VIsual Anthropology
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Ginsburg Media worlds
I question whether studying internal thoughts can play itself out in the context of larger social roles but this is not important here as the article focuses on the type of individuation that might be happening. All characters in these serials tend to be more emotional (though more so women than men). The serials place emphais on the characters faces to "invoke interior worlds" Perhaps this regulates the culture values in the audience more than if individual ideas were expressed verbally by characters.
The author suggests that melodrama played a part in individuals constructions of subjectivity. Melodrama causes individiduals to see themselves centered within their life. The elements of individuals' discussions and stories crystallize in the same fashion the the narratives on t.v. develop.
The development of a rich interior or pysche for Egyptians is one that is politically charged. For this reason it is important to remeber that the rich interior lives displayed in other countries such as the U.S. do not have social/political/religious aspects.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The top photo has been photo-shopped, the second is the original in 2008 prior to his election into office, this was a hoax created to illustrate that Obama still smoked and is headed to the White House(health concern). The last photo was found on a Website with this title: "Obama And His Warmonger
Cabinet The Changing
Face Of WWIII"
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I Hate Reality TV with a Passion
The show Jersey Shore is a moneymaking powerhouse by embezzling our nation's time and interest. This is a reality TV show that most people in the Western world are aware of. But what is it? I'll spare myself and the reader from suffering to define it as anything more than insipid. One could label any number of merits upon the show. I condemn it. It is a show where self-obsessed people can watch and get romantic notions of affinity with the show's 'role models.' Other people who think they are better than these self-obsessed people watch in so that afterwards, they can look on with shaking heads and smug intellects. The show's audience lacks diversity, only self-congratulations to some, and the prescripts for a meretricious, alcoholic lifestyle to others. I find myself unable to do either, so don’t watch. I don’t even like that I am writing about it, because I am contributing to this continued dialogue. I don’t want to be confronted with the Jersey Shore anymore. MIT may be conducting studies on its importance as an occurrence in American popular media, but no matter how much I read about Jersey shore, I still find myself bored to death. It is a formulaic show that MTV, Discovery, and Bravo have been making for years and will keep making for years. Which means that I will keep getting confronted with the endless conversation on reality TV for probably my whole life. What did I do to deserve this? Writers will be talking about how this show has ruined Jersey for years to come and I will be laughing because I know what jersey was like before this show. (That last sentence was a joke that I hope people from the garden state will laugh along with me to.)
The stereotypes that are propagated in Jersey shore will certainly harm some people, but then again maybe a kid will see this show, start taking steroids, and get more action/ happiness than he ever dreamed of before he saw Jersey Shore. Who knows, but if you want to study how Italian Americans are affected by stereotypes, there are years and years of history you could draw upon. Yes, Jersey Shore has many aspects that lend itself to the label of ethnographic, but any academic would laugh in the face of MTV producing something of an academic merit. Anthropology is a discipline with guidelines that may be challenged, but which are very well established. The code of ethics is something that is all too often forgotten.
I have been on an MTV reality show called Silent Library. It was completely staged, and I received direction like I was a paid actor- because essentially I was, but the presentation of the show was a complete lie or abstraction from reality. It was fun and paid to fix my car, but I hope nobody starts analyzing the show for truths about me. I just hope people stop caring about reality TV soon.
Turner and Kayapo
Sally Ann Ness Trobiand Cricket
Sally Ann Ness; Movement Analysis
Analyzing culture can be a daunting task. Thankfully there is an entire field devoted to this task. The field of anthropology is often understood as having 4 branches, but these branches do not come close to all the areas of expertice present in the sea of anthropologists. There are those who study language, space, ritual, familial structure, history, and in the case of Sally Ann Ness, Movement.
She uses an analysis of Trobriand Cricket to show how film that is presented with little narrative can open up the content of the film, Trobriand culture, to be analyzed by anthropologists from different schools of thought and specialty. Her main point is that the film serves well as a teaching tool. You can show the film, discuss it as a film, discuss it as a window into Trobriand culture, show supplementary materials, discuss different schools of thought, etc.
This kind of film is what she calls “illustrative.” It is a fabrication of cultural performance. She takes this fabrication and analyzes the movements of the characters deeply.