Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Ginsburg Media worlds
I question whether studying internal thoughts can play itself out in the context of larger social roles but this is not important here as the article focuses on the type of individuation that might be happening. All characters in these serials tend to be more emotional (though more so women than men). The serials place emphais on the characters faces to "invoke interior worlds" Perhaps this regulates the culture values in the audience more than if individual ideas were expressed verbally by characters.
The author suggests that melodrama played a part in individuals constructions of subjectivity. Melodrama causes individiduals to see themselves centered within their life. The elements of individuals' discussions and stories crystallize in the same fashion the the narratives on t.v. develop.
The development of a rich interior or pysche for Egyptians is one that is politically charged. For this reason it is important to remeber that the rich interior lives displayed in other countries such as the U.S. do not have social/political/religious aspects.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The top photo has been photo-shopped, the second is the original in 2008 prior to his election into office, this was a hoax created to illustrate that Obama still smoked and is headed to the White House(health concern). The last photo was found on a Website with this title: "Obama And His Warmonger
Cabinet The Changing
Face Of WWIII"
Sunday, December 18, 2011
I Hate Reality TV with a Passion
The show Jersey Shore is a moneymaking powerhouse by embezzling our nation's time and interest. This is a reality TV show that most people in the Western world are aware of. But what is it? I'll spare myself and the reader from suffering to define it as anything more than insipid. One could label any number of merits upon the show. I condemn it. It is a show where self-obsessed people can watch and get romantic notions of affinity with the show's 'role models.' Other people who think they are better than these self-obsessed people watch in so that afterwards, they can look on with shaking heads and smug intellects. The show's audience lacks diversity, only self-congratulations to some, and the prescripts for a meretricious, alcoholic lifestyle to others. I find myself unable to do either, so don’t watch. I don’t even like that I am writing about it, because I am contributing to this continued dialogue. I don’t want to be confronted with the Jersey Shore anymore. MIT may be conducting studies on its importance as an occurrence in American popular media, but no matter how much I read about Jersey shore, I still find myself bored to death. It is a formulaic show that MTV, Discovery, and Bravo have been making for years and will keep making for years. Which means that I will keep getting confronted with the endless conversation on reality TV for probably my whole life. What did I do to deserve this? Writers will be talking about how this show has ruined Jersey for years to come and I will be laughing because I know what jersey was like before this show. (That last sentence was a joke that I hope people from the garden state will laugh along with me to.)
The stereotypes that are propagated in Jersey shore will certainly harm some people, but then again maybe a kid will see this show, start taking steroids, and get more action/ happiness than he ever dreamed of before he saw Jersey Shore. Who knows, but if you want to study how Italian Americans are affected by stereotypes, there are years and years of history you could draw upon. Yes, Jersey Shore has many aspects that lend itself to the label of ethnographic, but any academic would laugh in the face of MTV producing something of an academic merit. Anthropology is a discipline with guidelines that may be challenged, but which are very well established. The code of ethics is something that is all too often forgotten.
I have been on an MTV reality show called Silent Library. It was completely staged, and I received direction like I was a paid actor- because essentially I was, but the presentation of the show was a complete lie or abstraction from reality. It was fun and paid to fix my car, but I hope nobody starts analyzing the show for truths about me. I just hope people stop caring about reality TV soon.
Turner and Kayapo
Sally Ann Ness Trobiand Cricket
Sally Ann Ness; Movement Analysis
Analyzing culture can be a daunting task. Thankfully there is an entire field devoted to this task. The field of anthropology is often understood as having 4 branches, but these branches do not come close to all the areas of expertice present in the sea of anthropologists. There are those who study language, space, ritual, familial structure, history, and in the case of Sally Ann Ness, Movement.
She uses an analysis of Trobriand Cricket to show how film that is presented with little narrative can open up the content of the film, Trobriand culture, to be analyzed by anthropologists from different schools of thought and specialty. Her main point is that the film serves well as a teaching tool. You can show the film, discuss it as a film, discuss it as a window into Trobriand culture, show supplementary materials, discuss different schools of thought, etc.
This kind of film is what she calls “illustrative.” It is a fabrication of cultural performance. She takes this fabrication and analyzes the movements of the characters deeply.
Jay Ruby on Rouch
Ruby discusses the myriad ways in which Rouch changed visual anthropology. However, his influence was drastic on film in general. He put synch sound in the hands of such able-bodied filmmakers as Godard. He created cinema verite, which is the combination of sharing the filming process with others while constructing filmic truth. This led to discourse on the influence of film on people. Does film alter the way people act, creating ethno-people?
Rouch was not interested in making pretty pictures. He only cared about the content of the films and the method of their creation. This may have been good for Rouch but I, see obvious merit in making the powerfully stimulating information present in Rouch’s films into pretty pictures. It makes the information accessible to a wider audience, if only because people wont turn it off or fall asleep by the films end. Like the Natural History museum’s desire to make exhibits that will draw crowds, Ethnographic film could influence a much wider audience than it is today. It has the potential to make a lot more money than it is today.
Faye Ginsburg on Rouch
James Clifford
I would be lying if I said I completely understood James Clifford. His Writing style is like that of my favorite author Borges (who he references). It is a patchwork of citation, history, and literary devices. His use of poetry in the opening lines is very tastefully done. The poem shows the fetish-izing of culture, which he shows museums as guilty of doing.
His analysis is framed by discourse on Property. He critiques European museums with the main point being that they negate history all too often. This stagnates societies in a time where there can be no growth. It makes nuanced cultural and scientific subjects into static objects for the fetishes of the viewers. There is one quote that I found particularly helpful from the opening pages, “The collection and preservation of an authentic domain of identity cannot be natural or innocent. It is tied up with nationalist politics, with restrictive law, and with contested encodings of past and future” (96).
As a collector of culture there are many things you must consider. First, The distinction between history and ethnography must be established. Levels of experience separate these two practices. When contemplating the role of an anthropologist in an institution sponsored film project, his/her role may conflate the role of historian and Anthropologist. This is a necessary conflation, I think. The distinction is important but then so is its conflation for efficiency’s sake. James addresses this issue in later chapters.
At the end of “Collecting primitive culture” He attributes the idea of putting objects with their lived culture to Franz Boas. But he says that Boas’ reasons for doing this were explicitly to place people at varying levels of the evolutionary chain. For me, putting objects in their lived context is not so much for a scientific merit but for its artistic possibilities. In a filmic setting, Anthropologists are often called on to do research for character development. Recently I was employed to do just this for a zombie film. The task was to research samurai’s from a historical perspective, but also for possible enduring cultural ripples that have been established because of the veneration and nostalgia for these heroic nationally devout warriors. Unfortunately I have never been to Japan so my endeavor was more explicitly a historical one, but the ethnography is a place that history and lived experience often become conflated in ways which are helpful for movie makers, historians, and anthropologists.
Bravo's Real Housewives
Alison Griffith’s book Wonderous Difference explores the world of early museums to discuss the roots of America’s visual culture. She is interested in forms of educational visual media that predates flaherty’s Nanook of the North. Her research focus is on The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). What she brings to light is the way in which this institution and others like it, dealt with issues of representation. She highlights the need for these institutions to make educational materials that would draw crowds. AMNH was competing with New York’s other major attractions.
Today’s museums are filled with fast food, gift shops, and I-max theatres. Griffith quotes several museum representatives speacking about the difficulties that came with competing with places like coney island, places of lesser social merit. The mission of the museum is to better the people, but Griffith gives good examples on how this ideal goal was often more informed by a need to draw crowds then to show scientific merit. Popular culture and popular entertainment were the main sources for exhibit material. This entertainment was presented in a uniquely scientific lens, playing a balancing act between entertaining and educational.
I Loved Griffith’s introductory chapter. I hope to make a movie someday that highlights the similarities between secular institutions such as the met and AMNH and religious institutions like St. Patrick’ Cathedral. This book may serve as a useful model when that day comes. Her Chapter is a beautiful mix of Theory and History.
Friday, December 16, 2011
Jersey Shore
Sunday, December 11, 2011
the philosophy of photography
How can we understand the link between the photographer, the photo, reality and the receivers?
What properties do cultures use to index and conceptualize the meanings from photos?
What does a photo allow us to view and what meanings do we discover or bring to the photo?
Christopher Pinney's article details some of the ways photography is believed to engage with culture. It views the cultural practices used and the ability for photography to represent reality or cause a reflection of identity and the cultural subjective itself.
In the West, photography acts as a mirror for us to dwell on self consciousness. In central India, photography is a medium that includes painting and chromolithography and the photo is used in the same ways that ancient representation is. Thus, Pinney believes it is not "modern."
Foucault says that photography maintains to function as a reflection of the culture and politics at the time. While Foucault is on the right track, Ginzburg offers the idea that the sign and its referent are believed to be fixed but isn't. He notes that epistemes change and the information a viewer brings to a photo in one era is drastically different for a viewer in another era. Therefore there is no formal link between qualities and effect. The study of what causes transformative meaning in a photo should be looked at through "sophisticated analysis"
Because of the fixity of a photographgh it is easy to assume that there are strict connections between a signs an their referents, however, Photography is a rich form of art with many perspectives to discover. The photographer's motivations and ideologies plus the lens inability to deiscriminate offersa rich landcape and multiple codes of information. This allows presumably for the viewer to "look past" to find another inherent and sometimes subversive meaning about the politics of the time of the photo. Looking past is the transformative or transedental quality of the photo (for the West.)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Turner and Ginsburg
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Response to Ginsburg and Turner
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Television and Moral Discourse
The video invasion, or television mania, began in 1981, when the public got a hold of t.v. broadcasting for the first time.The government attempted to control television broadcasting and its social impact, claiming that it was a deadly force for the youth and kept people from being educated. This attempt failed, and the second wave of frenzy began in the late 80s with a flood of media scholars visiting Belize to conduct research. Television theory continued to develop from this point on, and the fact that it developed within the global economy of meaning, television must be studied differently. Commodities and consumption need to be understood more than production of culture, especially in a connected, global society, where the meaning changes drastically depending on context.
Media scholars understand that messages conveyed through television are mediated in the social context of talk about the program. Therefore, the way people talk about a program creates its cultural meaning. I think this is interesting to consider with reality tv in the US, especially Jersey Shore. I feel like more than watching the show to engage in a deep analysis of it, people simply watch it because they find it amusing. And the way they talk about it prescribes meaning to the characters and episodes. Therefore these characters are not seen as idols or celebrities or icons, but rather as individuals who don't value their own image, and thus can be made fun of. In the article, Wilkin writes a viewer who is dominated places no distance between himself and the program, and thus is identifies with the characters and events of the show in a completely uncritical way. Reality tv, on the other hand, shows us characters dominated by constant survelliance and the drama that surrounds their lives, allowing us to view them from a detached critical perspective, and thus making a joke out of their lives.